
Engine can't find the win!!

I was truly amazed by this game between grandmasters Jorden van Foreest and Erwin l'Ami at the Dutch Championships last week. It turned out there was a win for black which the engine simply doesn't find (only after 15 minutes of thinking on a supercomputer). More proof that there is more to chess than just the judgement of the engine, especially in complicated positions. I hope you enjoy it and any feedback is always welcome.
That's really interesting, thanks for the analysis, you chose a really great position to break down.
I have similar experience with computer anylyses(one time the evaluation of the position is winning and the other time losing, which happens sometimes after I insert a different move myself in the computer's line) though I usually only run it for several seconds(no supercomputer only on my laptop :). So after all there is still some room for 'searching the truth' and the computers and evaluating chess programs arent't the ultimate but rather very good tools to get us closer towards that kind of ideal. Very interesting and thanks for the post.
My engine comes up with 20...Nc4 21. Qc1 Qa5 22. Bxf5! One of the ideas is 22...exf5 (or 22...Rb6 23. Bd8!) 23. Nxh8 Rb6 24. Bd8! Kxd8 25. Qg5+ Kc7 26 .Nf7 with a perp. Checked it?
24. Qg5+ Kc7 25. Nxf8. Ah, but now it says 24...Ke8 :) same mistake, didnt let my engine run long enough. pretty sick position

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