
It's time to axe classical chess!

I think a strong case for +0 existing is that many otb tournaments use it, and you can't really learn to manage your time in games without increment if you're only playing with increment.
Great post, I agree with it.

The 5+3 appears twice in the image, I think other was supposed to be 5+0
@habbis said in #4:
> The 5+3 appears twice in the image, I think other was supposed to be 5+0

Thanks, should be fixed now.

@existanza said in #3:
> I think a strong case for +0 existing is that many otb tournaments use it, and you can't really learn to manage your time in games without increment if you're only playing with increment.

Well — time management is already very different online versus OTB. Most winning endings can be converted with ~10s on the clock online, which is no time at all OTB if you still have some moves to make.

It's a fair point, but not enough to have 30+0 exist on Lichess: outside of speed chess, the chess world is moving towards using increment.