
Sodium Attack Catch Phrases?

I have a friend who (in jest) swears by 1.Na3 (the Sodium attack). I want to make him a shirt with a funny phrase or saying about how 'Over Powered' this opening is. I'd love to hear any ideas you guys have.
"It's sodium good" Pun on "so damn good" : )
Haha these are great. I thought of "Sodium Attack: Inducing heart attacks since 1923"
I welcome more ideas!
Sodium: Across the board from your kitchen to your chess.

(I know this sucks but it's the best I could come up with.
- Sodium: It makes your tears delicious.
- WARNING: Sodium has been known to destroy opening books!
- At least it's not Ammonia!™
Sodium attack!!!! on the front. It's over 9000!!!!! on the back.
Use a large black comfort soft tshirt and go to walmart and to buy the supplies you need to make it yourself for cheap! plus u get to keep at least 2 comfort soft t's. np bro<

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