
Board color

Is there an option to choose the color of the board?
Click on your username. A drop-down menu will appear. Select - 'Board Theme' (I like the Green-Plastic board). As you will see, you can also select a number of other attributes. - :] - @acapo

I don't think there is a built-in way to change the color of the board...

But it is possible to "extend" Lichess,
so that it looks differently than default.

The Lichess page has information on how one can use "userstyles".
And here is a place where one can search for userstyles which other people have made,

It seems there exists quite a number of userstyles related to the board. Maybe you'll find one that's suitable,
or maybe you can even modify one to your own liking!

Best of luck!
Much thanks Tors and Skittle-head for the valuable info I watch a lot only because I have been away from the game and need to refresh and after a while staring at the tan colored board all day my eyes play tricks on me

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