
Strange combination of openings?

Hi all! As white I play some pretty aggessive lines such as the Deutz Gambit, the Vienna and the Scotch Gambit. As black, however, I usually play solid lines as the french. Isn't it strange that i play so different stuff with white or black? Maybe it is because quite a few aggressive openings for black are less sound than for white? I mean even though the Vienna does not give white an advantage if black knows what he is doing it is at least equal in the worst case? Any thoughts on my weird opening choices?
I love the vienna, I play a more agressive opening for black though, but the french also is a bit agressive (trying to undermine the center) so it's normal.
Thank you! I sometimes play some boring french stuff though, such as the Rubinstein and open Tarrasch.
I've heard of it the other way around quite often, players who play solid openings as White but sharp counter-attacking ones as Black. You're the first person I can remember who does it this way around.

It's certainly true that White and Black have very different games in the opening, White having a slight initiative and Black not being able to afford any slight mistakes. So it does seem natural that some players like you have different styles in the opening depending on which colour they are playing.
Based on your White openings, I cannot see how the French would suit you. Do you really want to play catch up a tempo down in the exchange variation? Or are you happy with the blocked centre in the Winawer or Tarrasch 3...Nf6?
Try more open games that may not be popular at the highest level but perfectly fine against your opponents. For example 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 and now 2.. f5 the Latvian gambit , 2...d5 the Elephant gambit or the Petroff sideline 2...Nf6 3 Nxe5 Nxe4 or the Scandinavian 1 e4 d5.
I think it's generally good for your development as a player to be exposed to different types of positions.
Aggressive w white and solid w black is a good way to go.
Btw, what is your full repertoire?
@Blind_p said in #1:
> Hi all! As white I play some pretty aggessive lines such as the Deutz Gambit, the Vienna and the Scotch Gambit. As black, however, I usually play solid lines as the french. Isn't it strange that i play so different stuff with white or black? Maybe it is because quite a few aggressive openings for black are less sound than for white? I mean even though the Vienna does not give white an advantage if black knows what he is doing it is at least equal in the worst case? Any thoughts on my weird opening choices?

I think it's not weird but interesting. I like solid lines in Caro kann or with d5 openings. With white, i'm not against to take risk and to change my repertory. Usually i play d4 structure with white, like Queens gambit, London system and i'll try to have a sharp position
Thank you all for your responces! I see some questioning the closed french structures. For some aditional contekst I usually play open system against Tarrasch, Rubinstein against the Paulsen and the exchange is pretty open. The only time I really have to play a closed position is against the advance. I don't like that as black, but there is at least some counterplay against the white pawn on d4. And there is this fun line
1. e4, e6
2. d4, d5
3. e5, c5
4. c3, nc6
5. nf3, qb6
6. a3, c4
Here we have a really closed position, but i have had games with this where the c6 knight has came to b3 and queenside castling where white has zero chance of opening up on the queenside, while I have multiple pawnbreaks on the kingside. I dont really care if the position is aggressive or not, I just like natural development and you actually get that pretty often in the french if you avoid the closed lines against the Tarrasch and nc3 lines. I love endgames too :)

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