
Chessbase forced list in pgn


I have a pgn with files:

I would like that my 3rd one becomes my 1st one: how to do that, so that when i open the pgn, i have files sorted in the manner i want (not in the manner chessbase does, as it seems random)?

It seems very simple, but as usual with Chessbase, this even does not seems possible!

Thanks very much.
Use NotePad to cut & paste the third game to the top.
OK, thanks, i will try it but i have to install notepad on purpose, which is not at all convenient.

Sorry t insist, but is there really no way in Chessbase of re-numbering teh games in a pgn?
You could convert the pgn to cbh, sort the games to your liking and then reconvert to a new pgn. This is the more convenient way if you work with large databases with 1000s of games.

My pgn is like 50 games however.
What's the problem? After downloading the game on the PC, you can simply rename the file, adding the name to the top of any letter. For example, "a" or "z". And the files are in the correct order. If one letter not inaf - take two :)
@Leon53: I think you misunderstood: i have 50 GAMES on 1 PGN file, and i try to sort in my way these GAMES in this FILE that is put the 33rd game in 1st position for example. You see in a pgn that a game is attached with a number: i want to impose my numbers.

It is easy, when have clicked on the file, to place with the mouse the 33rd game in the 1st position. But this sort is not saved at all and you see in 1st position this game is still the number 33. So when you go elsewhere and you come back, it goes to 33rd place!

@sunflower93 : i did a .cbh, but i have the same problem: how do you sort the game to your manual liking (that is, how do you impose a re-numbering to your liking) in a .cbh?
I still have the ancient Chessbase10 and I don't know if it works the same in newer versions.

In CB10 I just open the *.cbh and drag and drop the games in the list to the positions I like. When finished I go "Tools" (at the top of the Chessbase window, where the bar has "Files", "Edit", "View", etc). In this "Tools" menu there is a "Fix Sort Order" option. That should do the trick. Works for .cbh but not for .pgn unfortunately.
Thank you very much sunflower, you told me the answer!

So i just tested:
- it works with .cbh
- it doesn't work with .pgn

Hence we have to export pgn in cbh, sort the cbh manually, then put the cbh in pgn.

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