

So... I have top rankings in 5~6 of the lists. I made myself clear to a few streamers and the site what my real life chess lv is, but I still got harassed by some jealous cretin about me not fairplaying. Should I report the fool or anyone got a better idea?
he keeps on claiming that I am this supposed jl person in which I have tried to tell him that Im someone else several times in the same conversation. and then he made some insulting remark about me "FINALLY" having a successful account when this is my primary account on lichess since i ever visited here.
If it is just ONE guy doing this, and he brings no evidence to the table and is acting unusually belligerent, chances are very high he is just one lonely troll. Ignore him, if you have nothing to hide and he refuses to listen to your justifications.
Growing a thicker skin during your strolls through the net is all fine and dandy, but if given the choice, why should you just passively stand by and let that abuse happen to you?
A ban or a report is the Internet equivalent of a buttkick, and there's nothing wrong about simply just defending yourself. :)

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