
Timer bug

This is the second time I have written to you about this bug. I just played a rapid game, watched my opponents clock go down to zero and then nothing happened. When I refreshed the page it was my clock that had gone to zero not his and I am recorded as losing the game. I like playing on lichess, but if you don't fix this bug and restore my points I am going to have to think about playing somewhere else. Your attention would be appreciated. This is the game in question.

Thanks for your comment, nice to know it is not me. I was wondering if I had some problem with my laptop.
It _is_ you - or rather your connectivity. It's something that is usually called "split brain" in distributed systems: when connection is lost, disconnected parts of the system have different idea what the state of the system currently is. In this case, you lost connectivity with the server so that your application keeps decrementing your opponent's clock because it didn't receive the information about our opponent's move. But on the server (and likely in your opponent's application), it's actually your move already so that it's you whose time runs out eventually. This has been explained many times before, it's one of the annoyingly often repeated questions.

If you know your connectivity with the server is unreliable and you cannot do anything to fix it, it is recommended to try reloading the page when it seems your opponent has been thinking for too long.
@iwon_his_game @ashsensei What happened is you got disconnected from lichess and did not notice or get told by your browser. Which made your opponents clock tick down to 0 and make it seem that you won but when you exit or reload the page or click to analyse you get reconnected and see that you lost because you never got your opponents move.
That sounds about right, but I never got told by the browser. at least not that I saw. I was sitting looking at the screen the whole time.