
Game in the Albin Countergambit

One of my friends played this game as black, his opponent was extremely greedy and took all the pieces he was offered.
This game showed me that you mustn't be too greedy and it is one of the rare occasions when underpromoting works ( If you didn't underpromote the computer considers it roughly equal).

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This is a known trap (The Lasker Trap). I've managed to trick a few opponents into it as well while I was playing the Albin Counter-gambit against d4 d5 c4.
It's a funny trap and cool tactic, for sure, although White has to be incredibly cooperative.

4.e3? is already quite weak, since the best white has after 4...Bb4+ 5.Bd2 dxe3 the best White has is 6.fxe3.

Then after the forcing 6...Qh4+ 7.g3 Qe4 black will win back his sacrificed pawn with a pleasant position (8.Qf3 Bxd2+ 9.Nxd2 Qxe5 or 8.Nf3 Bxd2+ 9.Nbxd2 [Qxd2 hangs the f3 knight) Qxe3+. Technically white could temporarily hold on to the pawn with 8.Nf3 Bxd2+ 9.Kxd2?, but black will eventually win the e5 pawn and, well, white's played Kxd2).

Still, any of that is preferable to what happens after 6.Bxb4??. The refutation is a cute tactic, though.

As an aesthetic piece, it's maybe spoiled a little bit by the fact that black can maintain a big advantage without playing fxg1=N+ (either Qh4 or Qxd1+ is very good for black, although not outright winning like fxg1=N+).

That's picking at nits, though. Definitely a fun tactic :)

After fxg1=N+ the position (while objectively being completely winning for black) isn't as trivial to win after 8. Ke1. Here are some pretty strong players flailing around in the position:

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