
Search "user:emaN-drawkcaB"

103 forum posts
Game analysis - Bishop exchange in Italian (Giuco Piano)#11

The problem is that the author didn't evaluate the follow up moves correctly and finished his evaluation of the position in a superficial way, the engine saw it a couple of moves deeper. 9-Bxc5, dxc5 …

General Chess Discussion - Can adding time be bad form?#4

Your opponent is either: 1- Thinking and doesn't notice time (happens to me since I play with music, I don't hear the timer warning and flag!) 2- Ragequit and closed the tab So in those situations add…

Game analysis - "Is my Girlfriend cheating on me? (in chess)"#20

@aVague said in #14: > + beginning d4 c4 is played only those who actually know much in chess , including engines I noticed that too, I checked and it's called "Panov Attack" seems like a very aggress…

Game analysis - Help me to progress in chess#4

You should check out "Chess Fundamentals" by IM John Bartholomew on youtube, it's a very good series that teaches you the habits to improve. Also you are playing too fast, you had 7 minutes left on th…

Game analysis - Does it make sense to learn computer versions of openings?#3

For your level it starts to make sense since you have the fundamentals down and can now learn how to put pressure. This is the thing: Stockfish openings are always a setup or a sequence of moves that …

Game analysis - Analysis broken?#2

No, it's working fine, you played a perfect game congrats! Why did your opponent lose with just 5 innacuracies? Because you had a better position and every move kept increasing the advantage, so even …

Game analysis - What do you think of this game ???#2

Well you are up a Rook and a Knight in an endgame. An extra piece in a simple endgame should be a win most of the time, let alone 2 pieces! Of course at 1500 level there's always a chance but still, i…

Game analysis - "Is my Girlfriend cheating on me? (in chess)"#1

This is a post made by a reddit user that I had to share because it's too funny: >"My girlfriend and I only ever play GamePigeon chess. She says she doesn't know any openings, aside from what she lear…

Game analysis - Amazing Game!!!!#6

11-e5?? and suddenly your Queen is hanging for several moves but neither saw that, like father like son mutual blindness 20- Bh6 was beautiful!

Game analysis - Interesting Game to See#13

@aVague said in #10: > best move is Kb5, so how can I , or rating 2500+ possibly see what does it for in 3 min game Actually Nb5 does many things: 1 - Moves the Knight from the edge of the board 2- Pr…
