
Search "user:pht0"

57 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Embedding a game in a text document#11

Thanks, this intrinsic limitation is surprising for me (it should be overcome in the future).

Lichess Feedback - Colors!#1

Hello, What about including the possiblity of coloring some moves (red, green, orange, ...)?: - maybe in "study" mode (for example, we could put moves in red to indicate that they are moves to analyze…

General Chess Discussion - Embedding a game in a text document#9

OK, so i conclude that no commercial ebooks can be written in the manner i am telling (i am not at all interested by commercial matters, but it seems for me that it would be a great improvement of the…

General Chess Discussion - Embedding a game in a text document#7

OK thanks. I have already written HTML pages, so i think it will be easier for me than javascript (i have done java also, but a long time ago). I will try it. In conclusion, it is a pity that it doesn…

General Chess Discussion - Embedding a game in a text document#4

Thanks very much. So how would you create the document i am looking for? (using java or html, i don't care). The idea is that on my tablet or my computer, i could open it and interact with it without …

General Chess Discussion - Embedding a game in a text document#1

Hello, A question i have always asked myself: could we embed a game in pgn in a TEXT document (Word or Office, i don't care)? Otherwise, what would be the most practical way to do it? The idea behind …

General Chess Discussion - A question on study#4

Perfect! Thank you. Lichess is really excellent.

General Chess Discussion - A question on study#2

Could you answer this message? i have regularly the problem but don't know how to solve it. Thanks!

General Chess Discussion - A question on study#1

Hello, Can we put (easily) one game which is annotated in a study in another study, with these annotations? I have 2 studies, each with 1 game (analyzed after playing), and i would like to have a main…

General Chess Discussion - Studies - 2 specific questions (with maybe a feature request)#1

Hello, 1) I see that in one study, computer evaluation is active whereas in another one (not created by me, but i am a contributor), i cannot see arrows but when i check, the button for "computer eval…
