
Search "user:emaN-drawkcaB"

103 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How to improve chess psychology#10

It doesn't matter who I am facing: FM,IM or GM... they are NOT better than Stockfish. Nobody is. I already fought the final boss. Why would I be afraid of some regular foe?

Game analysis - Help Me to reach 2000 rating. I am not improving at chess. I am stuck.#13

@ForcedMateInX said in #12: > I'mma appeal though. You just confessed in the forum, you think an appeal would work? lol

Game analysis - Help Me to reach 2000 rating. I am not improving at chess. I am stuck.#9

@Theviru2011 said in #1: > Stuck for a long time help me if you want. You play really good positionally, it's clear that you have experience and have read books+watched youtube videos, it's very impre…

Lichess Feedback - Stockfish flags as "Innacurate" the fastest checkmate sequence#1

You can see that the checkmate sequence with Kc5 is faster than the recommended e6 yet the engine marks the fastest mate as innacurate because of "Lost checkmate sequence".…

Game analysis - my best against stockfish 8#15

I recommend you to try to WIN vs Stockfish 8 without a Knight. The game can usually reach the endgame and be very instructive, it's not as deadly and you can learn a lot! One time it got me into an en…

Game analysis - my best against stockfish 8#12

Stockfish is just too good, from early on it puts pressure, it's impressive to last that long. Very nice games!

General Chess Discussion - Accuracy. What a puzzle!!!!#4

@glbert said in #3: > no it isn't. why would you just make stuff like that up? It literally says it in the page you linked: >"An accuracy of 0% means you only played terrible moves; 100% means you pla…

General Chess Discussion - Accuracy. What a puzzle!!!!#2

The accuracy is the % of correlation between your moves and the engine moves. The % is the average of all your moves. This means that if you play 90 good moves and just 1 blunder, the accuracy is stil…

Game analysis - I hate facing the london#3

This is a line I like to play vs the London system, it has very agressive tactics early on (Ignore the hanging Queen in the endgame!)

General Chess Discussion - Can adding time be bad form?#6

I don't think they get a warning if you add time. I've had losing positions were my opponent adds time for bad manners so I just quit without resigning instead and I haven't gotten a warning. (Yes, th…
