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28 forum posts
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Lichess Feedback - Fire in a Lichess data center#75

> OVH is one of the best data centers there is out there as far as i know. I have worked with their server a bit and they're awesome. My team used to be their customer, too. At least back then, they w…

Lichess Feedback - no round robin tournaments on lichess#89

#69: "I can see a chess club of say 10 members wants to organise a 9 round round robin online as they cannot meet over the board. It is easy to do: just mail the pairings to the players and let white …

General Chess Discussion - We can finally stop complaining about Swiss! Yay!#9

Yep this is such a good addition for spesific cases. I wouldn't recommend organizing them for random strangers, but when you pre-schedule it for people you know, it can be so good. I played in one suc…

Lichess Feedback - Bring back 15+15 Classical!#22

Including both 15+10 and 15+15 is unnecessary. Especially if the only reason is that a handful of people have worse rating in Rapid than Classical, and don't bother to play a couple of games to raise …

Lichess Feedback - linking to gets you timed out in the lichess chat :-)#10

Are we talking of the same nazi admins who some months ago added a Greta Thunberg banner to the front page, claiming it was not politics but emergency? (What happened to that campaign btw, did they so…

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