
Impossible position quiz

Try to find a position with no moves period. White to move and white has o moves - I dont mean legal moves I mean no moves period! I know on after coming close to it in a game.
Andy Soltis included some games in this vein in his excellent book "Karl Marx Plays Chess". He also included the shortest games possible to meet a totally bound position, in which there were no moves available to either side. Great book, unfortunately I don't have a copy to hand. It's worth checking out though; it's a collection of Soltis' Sunday New York Times chess columns. Brilliant and funny, with some astounding composed and actual games.
This doesn't make any sense – white having no legal moves is *literally impossible*. Even the blank board position gives white an illegal move of spawning a queen on f7.
i found out that if you just don't play chess in the first place, you can't make a move in chess

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