
Who here likes UltraBullet?

no way I like it, it's not chess, it's just some agony piece moving
i used to, and now i don't play any super fast time controls because i told myself i wouldn't

when i did play it i liked it because i play video games and that directly translates to ub skill somehow
@Avoma said in #5:
> Ooo, so many hate to UltraBullet

Why don't you tell us why you like it, then? I'd genuinely be interested to hear your thoughts, because it doesn't appeal to me at all.
@AsDaGo said in #6:
> Why don't you tell us why you like it, then? I'd genuinely be interested to hear your thoughts, because it doesn't appeal to me at all.

I like UltraBullet cuz it's fast and end the game quickly but it's not improving my chess skills so it's like 50/50
@Avoma said in #7:
> I like UltraBullet cuz it's fast and end the game quickly but it's not improving my chess skills so it's like 50/50

Yeah, I wouldn't call it chess really, usually just who can move the pieces faster.

Personally, I prefer 3+2 for online chess because the games don't take very long, but the increment means you (usually) won't flag in a winning position.
@AsDaGo said in #8:
> Yeah, I wouldn't call it chess really, usually just who can move the pieces faster.
> Personally, I prefer 3+2 for online chess because the games don't take very long, but the increment means you (usually) won't flag in a winning position.

Hmm, I'll follow your advice
@Avoma said in #9:
> Hmm, I'll follow your advice

Ok, have fun!

I'll also say though that rapid and classical are probably better for improvement, especially if you're still starting out. Analyzing your games is important too. I usually analyze my long games thoroughly, but even my blitz games I'll usually take a couple minutes to go over with the engine.

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