
Training Idea: Knight Trainer

I was thinking that it might be a cool addition to your chess training tools if there were a tool for training knight paths. I guess it would be a chess board with one knight on it, and one random square highlighted, and you have to move the knight to that square in the minimum number of moves. I suppose there could be other pieces on the board as well, limiting the number of squares that the knight could use. I dunno. I just thought it would be a helpful tool for beginners.

Thanks for all the great work you guys have been doing! I love the site! :]
I think you can already do this in analysis mode, or rather in chessboard editor. You can also highlight the desired square by hitting "shift+mouse click" and you can try jumping there from whatever position you want.
@Einsamkeit - You could set them up in the editor, that's true. But it wouldn't tell you when you got it wrong. I imagine what I want to automatically set up a position, tell you when you make the wrong move, then move on to the next position when you complete the problem.

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