
Endgame bugs analysis

Although it is against the rule of moving 100 moves without any captures or pawn moves. Therefore 2 bishops Vs. 1 knight is usually a draw (Rely on 1 kinght's player's position and his/her skill and tactics) in real games. And 2 bishops Vs. 1 kinght is draw in the chess rule until it was changes to win in 1983 because of the computer analysis. Stockfish 16 needs over 50 moves to win a 2 bishops Vs. 1 knight, below is a sample game:

As you see, it is very hard(sometimes impossible) for human players to win.
It's also hard for the defender to defend correctly, and if that player starts from a poor position as indeed occurred in the 1961 World Championship final rematch they will not last long. So in practice the player with the bishops has good chances of winning within the 50 move rule.

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