
What are the age demographics on lichess?

I was wondering what is the average age of an average player on lichess. Is there any data?
Sure it is since noone can register without providing verified personal information.
Any survey conducted as far as I know.
Lichess doesn't seem to rely on marketing, targeting .. I didn't notice any communication strategy.
But the site is so perfect that people keeps coming, and they stay.

Thibault probably wants to stick to that "free" policy, and for the moment, it's a real success.
#2 "verified personal information"? I seem to remember entering a user name, a password, an e-mail adress, doing a captcha and that's it.
Lichess don't care about this. We only differentiate between people and machines (that's where the captcha comes in).

I would recommend that you create some sort of poll and create a fresh thread for it. Either a few for every question you want to know, or maybe a google forms thingy.
To #1 There was a recent thread that asked members to give their ages...It seemed to indicate that average age of Li chess members was late twenty's to early thirty's. Also some time back there was a similar thread. Me ...I be 65 this year. :]
Zugzwang - with regard to that thread: you know the one about the mathematician, the physicist and the astronomer?:

A mathematician, a physicist, and an astronomer were travelling north by train. They had just crossed the border into Scotland, when the astronomer looked out of the window and saw a single black sheep in the middle of a field. "All Scottish sheep are black," he remarked. "No, my friend," replied the physicist, "Some Scottish sheep are black." At which point the mathematician looked up from his paper and glanced out the window. After a few second's thought he said blandly: "In Scotland, there exists at least one field, in which there exists at least one sheep, at least one side of which is black."

So we should maybe interpret the result of that poll thread as being: "The average age of Lichess members willing to disclose their ages in a forum thread is around thirty."

Me, I'm 57. :)
I just thought further about this; the conclusion to be drawn from the poll must be:
Within the group of all Lichess members exists a small sub-group of members who read the Forum; within this sub-group exists an even smaller sub-group who occasionally reply in threads. Within this second sub-group is a third sub-group, who are prepared to disclose their ages. The average age of this third sub-group is around thirty, assuming that it does not intersect with a fourth sub-group consisting of those Lichess members who for whatever reason tend to lie about their real ages.

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