Donate V3 - new look


it is not yet official so most players keep playing on the old web design but on the bottom of each page there is a option 'Try the new!' which allows you to switch to new look which is almost finished, pretty and very easy to use.

You can get it also through page ''
Note that you can only use it when you are logged in!

I am very interested in your oppinions :)
Big improvement, still not good enough to make me play there instead of here. Not even close, really. I recently closed my account on completely because of the shills littering the forum and spamming all the pictures of their chess sets that just happen to also be on sale at xxxx website. That whole place is so commercial it just gives me the creeps.
This thread looks like an advertising. I am not on, because lichess is much more open, friendly and fair with users.
Just wondering, does remove threads about lichess on their forum?
I'm not creating an account just to see the new interface, but I'm still curious. Anyone have screenshots?
lichess is better than , dont have annotations of your games, or a minium statistic, and you have to pay to have 15 games analysis per week :/
i remember that when i was a child (2005-2010), the "pay for play chess" was worst than now, i remember wanted to play chess, but only existed two or three pages, with a bet and coins system, when you waste all your coins, you have to buy more "cubits" or "coins" or some shit like that. is in my opinion great for the groups, the vote chess, corr. chess team matches, the blogs, and the chess news.

Also for mutual chess analysis with one sparring partner or a group it is great to have a game viewer/editor with pgn import and export, and being able to add comments and side lines/variations on the fly. (On Lichess one cannot even edit one's own forum thread comments. Make sure not to copy & paste love letters by mistake, haha).

I do however much prefer Lichess for playing live and corr. chess. Light weight, responsive and pretty, and great tourney formula.

The interface is quite sluggish for me, and v3 is even worse overall, (I liked the current interface better) so I don't like to play live chess there at all.
#3 The so-called new interface is being selectively rolled out and free users are at the bottom of the pile. The post is definitely an advert for

#8 The structure of is so dated mostly pull no push. It's not even web 2.0 let alone using present day UX design.

Good luck to them.

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