
Let's go!!!

Hey guys, I have a weird game that my opponent waits 13 minutes to play his/her second move, I want to know why.
And at the last move, the reason I sacruficed my queen is MY OPPONENT HAS NO TIME hahaha!!!

Only your opponent could tell you why 2...Nc6 took so long, but it seems likely that it was for a non-chess reason. Someone at the door or a phone call? Surreptitiously playing at work and the boss came by their desk for 13 minutes? Or perhaps it was a technical problem of some sort.
@Brian-E said in #2:
> Only your opponent could tell you why 2...Nc6 took so long, but it seems likely that it was for a non-chess reason. Someone at the door or a phone call? Surreptitiously playing at work and the boss came by their desk for 13 minutes? Or perhaps it was a technical problem of some sort.

Well, probably yes. But I have met a situation before which my opponent is actually online and just wait here(Classical) so I can't wait when he/she still got 10 minutes and I got a lesson, and it is very annoying.
@andythechessplayer said in #3:
> Well, probably yes. But I have met a situation before which my opponent is actually online and just wait here(Classical) so I can't wait when he/she still got 10 minutes and I got a lesson, and it is very annoying.

It is, of course, each player's right to use their own clock time as they see fit during a game. If you are unable to wait that long because of a lesson, you should choose a shorter time control.
@andythechessplayer This is a 30+0 classical game. So by aggreeing to this, you also aggreed to spend max. 1 complete hour on the game - regardless of what your opponent does (or does not).

If you don't like that, then a shorter time format is probably more suitable for you.
I love that queen saccing in the End, really Cool to see, when Opponent doesn't knows what to do with that while no time left
@derkleineJo said in #5:
> @andythechessplayer This is a 30+0 classical game. So by aggreeing to this, you also aggreed to spend max. 1 complete hour on the game - regardless of what your opponent does (or does not).
> If you don't like that, then a shorter time format is probably more suitable for you.


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