
Are players suddenly playing better?

@Entharex said in #35:
> I think people in general are getting stronger in the long-term.
Absolutely false statement all chess players IN THE LONG TERM play worse and have to fight their own decay.
Do not post nonsense trying to destroy a good thread ! you will leave the trolls without a job.
@Artem-Kozirev said in #40:
> "Yes I think everyone is playing better" False statements after false statements in abolute belief that the stament is true ! Get help from a friend or someone near you, have these lines read someone and speak about it, don't take me wrong but at the moment logic is beyond your control, sometimes it happens temporarily, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, etc. there are exercises for mental hygiene which work much as a reset and then everything is settle back to normal, I have seen it happening to close people.
It's not a statement, just a point of view. Have a nice day xxx
@Artem-Kozirev said in #41:
> Absolutely false statement all chess players IN THE LONG TERM play worse and have to fight their own decay.
> Do not post nonsense trying to destroy a good thread ! you will leave the trolls without a job.

One strangeness, of many, in online blitz chess games nowadays is that when I play rare openings from time to time, that I know a lot about from studying these (my pet openings), quite a large portion of my opponents blitz out the perfect answers long, long into the midlegame/where allmost endgame starts. At this edge I start to make my own inacuracies/errors cause I start loosing time, knowledge or concentration etc. Then I suddenly realize I messed something up. Then I play on for a while in lost position. And often times it is at this stage the strangeness happens. All of a sudden my opponent start to play very childish and immature compared to the amazing opening and midlegame. I grab the opportunity with greed and red cheek. Starts to even out the position. Then my opponent starting to make strange calm moves I dont understand the reason behind before I’m in a totally mating net or some other shit. My time runs out or I blunder in pure mental confusion.
@SOJB said in #39:
> Why is it difficult for you to understand what I am trying to say. Back then we didn't have all the learning tools that lower ranked players can access now. So a 1000 ranked played is now playing better because of the information that can be accessed. Stop being obtuse on purpose , both of you. So in answer to the original thread , yes I think everyone is playing better due to on line information that is readily available

It may be true that information is more widely available, but there is still the task of implementing this which relies on the same human architecture as from when this game was invented.
@Artem-Kozirev said in #41:
> Absolutely false statement all chess players IN THE LONG TERM play worse and have to fight their own decay.
> Do not post nonsense trying to destroy a good thread ! you will leave the trolls without a job.

I am referring to the overall level of play of the lichess pool of players, not individual players. Of course, individual players will decay when they get older.
You guys, 1800s are better than 2000s. Check my bullet history, I was forced down from 2100
@KDMFan said in #46:
> You guys, 1800s are better than 2000s. Check my bullet history, I was forced down from 2100

Agree, something very strange is going on, and has been for years.
I am definitely playing better :)
Seriously speaking, it may be due to circumstances or maybe even just like the weather or something.
@V_ChessGuy said in #48:
> I am definitely playing better :)
> Seriously speaking, it may be due to circumstances or maybe even just like the weather or something.

The Northern Hemisphere summer is approaching which would tend to encourage people outdoors, away from their computers, and most of the world's population lives in this region of the earth, indicating that the general patterns of the natural variation in weather conditions are not a factor when it comes to the quantity of players competing here at Lichess.
@heallan said in #49:
> The Northern Hemisphere summer is approaching which would tend to encourage people outdoors, away from their computers, and most of the world's population lives in this region of the earth, indicating that the general patterns of the natural variation in weather conditions are not a factor when it comes to the quantity of players competing here at Lichess.

Good point, I just meant that summer conditions tend to elevate the population's mood (usually)

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