
Lichess's Rating Inflammation

Has anyone noticed that recently the rating for many bullet players has gotten a lot higher than before? Singer_Marta made it to 2800, Kingscrusher almost touched 2500, and a bunch of 2000+ rated players are like 100-200 more rating points than what they used to be.
Singer_marta is strong player but selects his opponents for rating points. Kingscrusher has always bean 2400 bullet but plays tournaments so much and beserks it goes down alot. But who knows, maybe you are right and there is increase in points since I have noticed a lot more higher rated players have joined the site and may increase overall ratings.
#3 Inflammation is a synonym of swelling. It's just figurative language. I don't mean that they're literally on fire but I do mean that they have their ratings larger than before.
As the size of the player pool increases, I imagine the extremes are bound to become slightly more extreme. Numbers are just numbers and people shouldn't (although they do) get emotionally attached to them.
You know what, Toadofsky has a point, I've have also noticed more low rated players.

I doubt that all ratings are being inflated, and I can't imagine how this would happen.

#6 If the pool does increase the size of the extremes, it's plausible that a rating could break 2900 at some point, especially if some strong GMs started playing here. I also notice there are already some players below 800 rating. Will the limited rating range slider (800-2900) make it impossible for these players to grab other players' seeks?
My rating has also risen by 100 points in bullet and blitz. Thibault noticed lichess has more players nowadays (>5000 players at peak)

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