
Why is everyone so mean spirited?

My honest opinion, sorry if you don't like it:
Those who complain the loudest about the mean spirited are themselves mean spirited.
Maybe it's a lack of a sense of humour and taking life and chess too seriously xxx
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@sheckley666 said in #11:
> My honest opinion, sorry if you don't like it:
> Those who complain the loudest about the mean spirited are themselves mean spirited.

What on earth are you spouting here?
Well, my lifetime of experience in the field suggests that quite a high number of chessplayers (especially "serious" players) seem to be in a state of permanent disgruntlement. As though early on a lot of them were dropped on their heads.
@MrPushwood said in #15:
> As though early on a lot of them were dropped on their heads.

Oh, now I see where you're coming from....

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