
Voice Commands - Not making moves?

It hears me fine enough and it will highlight the move I want to make and do the circle countdown but regardless of whether I wait for the countdown or say "yes" it won't make the move. This a bug or is something else potentially going on?
I noticed on first moves it has this problem but once I move the first move with a mouse it seems to work.
@Aquayak said in #2:
> I noticed on first moves it has this problem but once I move the first move with a mouse it seems to work.

I tried this but I just played a whole game where it would do what I mentioned. I would manually make the move and try again.

It's a promising feature though as I figure it'll help me improve my notation abilities so I'm hoping the kinks will be worked out eventually.
I managed to play several games with it. there are some bugs if it mishears you and only one piece could make the move you want - it automatically moves the piece. Using the color arrows makes it work quite well. The does not start bug and 'automatically making the wrong move' bug are the two i've found so far. Really enjoyed it actually.
>I managed to play several games with it.

I figured out how to make it work. I've got my game behavior set to drag only, but allowing the click two squares option gets it to work.
how to disable it ? it takes alot from my already poor connection that i cant move hence im losing and lichess thought im sandbagging and send me a message. the last thing i need is for my account to be banned after all those years . Help !
there is a disable voice recognition thing in the gear box. Not sure if it uninstalls the whole thing or not
I'm having the same issues. It seems to hear EXACTLY what I want it to do but then still doesn't make the move?

In particular, it seems to HATE moving my knights for some reason.

"Knight f6" or "Knight c6" it then asks me to make a "color"-based move which the main reason I want to use voice commands is to get better at chess notation.

Then when I look at the text it interpreted, it interpreted "knight f six" just fine... Okay so 1) Why didn't it make that move and 2) Why is it still asking me for confirmations even though I turned the timer off?

edit: I've also tried "b one c three" and "knight c three" and it interprets all of them in the text JUST FINE yet still all it does it highlight the Knight and not actually move it.
Hang in there. It looks like there's definitely some game start issues here. Safari in particular seems affected.

We'll get the kinks worked out. Don't let bad first impressions ruin it for you.

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