
Off Topic threads are getting boring

@Mrchess78 said in #35:
> It's just rather inconvenient that the Walrus will likely have to travel, to show these two powerhouses what a clean diet and exercise can do
> "I am the Walrusss... "

Honestly I was thinking between crocodile and walrus - who would win? They seem two equally underpowered animals. Croc because cold blooded, walrus because I've never seen one angry
@ronin3b said in #42:
> Honestly I was thinking between crocodile and walrus - who would win? They seem two equally underpowered animals. Croc because cold blooded, walrus because I've never seen one angry

Good point, maybe they'll just have a meeting of the mind, and just leave the fighting for now. :).
Perhaps you think the off topic discussion has become boring due to my comparative inactivity.
Ode to the Endless Chatter
Amidst the digital expanse, a cacophony of noise,
Where topics drift, devoid of poise.
From weather to pets, and back again,
Discussions meander, without rhyme or reason.
Leaving the original intent quite wrecked.
Scrolling through, eyes glazed and weary,
The mind drifts, the spirit grows dreary.
Where is the focus, the purpose so clear?
Alas, it's buried, lost in the chatter's frontier.
Let us reclaim the art of discourse,
And steer these waters back to their source.
For in the sea of digital noise,
True connection is what we should employ.

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