
Who has the highest puzzle rating?

Who has the highest puzzle rating on Lichess, please.

I would appreciate answers to this question.

I have no idea. It would be hard to figure who does.

However, I do know who has the lowest puzzle rating. That would be @StevenEmily

So far, I haven't found anyone with a higher rating on puzzles than @TitanChess07 (2872) but I will keep looking.
You Tube search for "puzzle rating 3000 lichess". You can watch "Tricks Only" reaching that level.
Thanks to @bhirghu for that youtube video. Just do you know what is his Lichess username, please? And does he still have an account? His account on Lichess (if he still has one) is not called "Tricks Only"

Many thanks.
Titanchess07 :
Bullet : 1043
Blitz : 1368
Rapid : 1655
Classical : 1099

but, training : 2873 !?

How is it possible ?
It's not unusual for training ratings to be above other ratings for the same person. Here's my ratings:
Blitz: 1179
Rapid: 1250
Classical: 1309?

Training: 1759 !?
Thanks but why does his rating have a question mark near it? Is it provisional?
I am around 2000-2100 in bullte/blitz. Puzzle rating here is quite hard, lol. Approx 2200 now, had peak 2400+ once.

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