
why don't more players on lichees reply to a greeting before a game?

I say hi, but as far as I'm concerned, any additional "how's your day", "you ok?" to anything to do with the chess game that's not pointing out something from moves ago, right down to obvious trolling, is gamesmanship and attempted distraction, so I untick the chatbox.
Achja wrote: '(...) others are very friendly and say e.g. "hello from Poland. Good luck"(...)'.

Yes achja, you are right. We - Poles - always say 'please', 'thank you' and 'ladies first'. And even here - on lichess - if you win with me (what is rather impossible) it's because I'm polite and friendly and I let you win.

People here are chess addicts and don't wanna waste time for typing eager to start a new game :)
On some chess servers people has written automatical greetings. A pre-written phrase to always execute at beginning and end. That's indeed only very annoying.
sometime it take a few seconds to reply to a hi and in short game the person has started and I have not play fast enough so they aborted. That could be another reason.
i don't think any chess player is 'an addict' Deal, only those for whom winning is more essential than chess He depends on another person like himself in order to do this but the game is just a means to an end. ….a temporary relief from a crisis of identity. Its understandable he can't waste time on shaking hands. He's on the verge of extinction.
a lot of very good reasons for not answering :

- no fingers
- no time (mentionned already, but not that good a reason)
- no free food & drink
- writting notes not allowed
- no gay behavior
- no pasaran
- and the main reason : no rating points given
I usually answer on greetings. And say "ggs" when my opponent says "ggs". Often I say "ggs" first. Anyway, I usually don't want the conversation to continue. So, after saying "ggs" after a match I try to quit the window to not talk or create tensions.
I think this might be a reason for people, who don't say greetings. They just want to play chess, but they don't like to make conversations, contacts with casual people, so they avoid any verbal interactions.
Also when you talk with somebody you can feel yourself obliged, to accept rematch, for example. I often want to play one game, and don't want to play any rematches, or have any further conversation. So, it might be also a reason: when people didn't talk, they feel more free to leave after any game, without accepting rematches and another similar things.
I am surprised nobody has brought up the most common reasons people don't respond in games.

1. Language barrier. People who don't speak English aren't likely to respond to unknown sequences of Latin letters.

2. Mobile. Many users are mobile users, and must press a button and open a separate window to respond to chat messages, and therefore tend not to.

Combining 1 & 2 adequately explains the majority of non-responsive players.

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