
Kids and inapropriate language.

I disagree with most replies so far. I think such language is unacceptable and that people who use such language should be banned from this website (at least temporarily). I always block such players, but unfortunately I can't block anonymous players. People accept such behavior too easily just because it happens a lot (it partly happens because many people accept/tolerate it). Young people often encounter such language and that's a bad thing (it shouldn't be normal). This website and good people who use it would benefit from more actions against such behavior.
"Young people often encounter such language and that's a bad thing (it shouldn't be normal)."

So if/when you have children, monitor their every movement and observation so as to protect them from this grave danger. It doesn't change the fact that it's unrealistic (and ridiculous) to expect your child to not encounter "such language" when browsing the Internet unsupervised. The Internet is public space and we're not all governed by your crusade.
Here's what lichess' Terms of Service has to say on the matter:

"if you are under the age of 13, you will need permission from your parent or guardian to join, and they are liable for your conduct. The site is not liable for private communications sent, or public ones on the forum."

By using this Web site, you are inherently consenting to this.
Yes, young people do often encounter such language, so I do expect that such things happen. I'm not happy about it though. It doesn't seem like a crusade to me, just my opinion. Don't you think profanity is often a bad thing (especially among young people)? I don't think it's the worst thing that's happening in the world, but it's something that can be improved.
Saying you don't like it doesn't seem like a crusade. Saying all people who say the word fuck should be banned (which you did say) does seem like, and is, a crusade.

And no, I disagree wholeheartedly with the idea that "profanity is a bad thing." They're just fucking words. But I don't really care to debate that with you, I was only responding to your insistence that people who are not violating the ToS should be banned because of some arbitrary judgment on your part.
I think that having the ability to block all communication is enough. MoralIntentions: you just articulated exactly why it shouldn't be blocked -- because so many people accept and tolerate it. This is a chess site, not a seminary.
I should explain myself a bit: I think the Terms of Service (ToS) should make it a violation first. I don't think that will happen, I've already discussed this with the owner of the website about two years ago.
Nah, colourful language is part of a means of expressing ourselves; it's frankly a bit embarrassing when someone swears too much, or does it to be 'edgy', but there is a time and a place and I think MOST users here get that. Conversely, not all abuse involves swearing, or anything which some standard word filter can pick up.

I think LiChess goes above and beyond by having a kid mode.
Little Bobby is right you have a perfect right to have your own "Moral Intentions" but not police the moral values of anyone else.Even a nine year old can and should discover his own . It increases my respect for lichees that they did not do as you asked

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