
Where is the Scottish flag?

#4 That's rubbish.

I'm English. I brought this up - the fact that England, Scotland and Wales ARE separate countries and have our own flags.

I've spoken to Chess_Agent about this, and he's been sympathetic. I've produced the flags (ironically from the same place that the other national flags come from) but the problem currently is that the constituent countries of the UK don't have their own international code.

There's a github entry about this but it hasn't been advanced on yet.

All it needs is someone who is a bit clever at programming, and we can have our own national flag - like I do on my car.

No Scot wants to be English - equally, call me a Welshman and I'll kick your ass :D

Shame to see so many stupid people on this thread talking rubbish about a subject they blatantly don't understand; thank goodness for the few normal ones...!
all you that say that scotland is part of uk, remember that exist the palestine flag
#22 YES, the Palestine flag IS a point. I should remind you though that Scotland IS part of the UK. They unfortunately voted to remain. Many of us English wish they hadn't, but they did.
i agree that they only dowloaded a source pack, lichess is too contradictory, scotland, ireland don´t exist they are only part of the uk, chechenia is part of russia, but !oh my good¡, poor palestine :c , give them a flag, and puerto rico are too bitches of eeuu to have his own flag, ¿kurdistan? ¿who knows you?. don´t take the flags too seriously, chess is nothing about countrys.
#24 I think as many people know Ireland, Scotland, England, Kurdistan as know, say, Chile.

Flags are important to some people.

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