
Some cheating.

"Maybe a subscription or something?"

maybe you didnt understood lichess?

imho cheating detection is quiet nice here - once i won game in progress cause cheater was caught live.

+1 for pls cheaters mix up ur move timing so you are not that obvious

when i notice it early i try to get into lines where id like to see how its beaten and might even learn something

on the other hand there are also many opening lines where one only needs to double check moves and arrive at a won position at move 20 knowing that a deviation means just to know / work out how its punished
also maybe someone doesnt like you and knows ur nick? :p

There is not only Black & White there are at least 50 shades of grey.

Even if it is not the idea of a cheater to improve other players, the improvement will happen.(Mostly tactical)

I played a typical Tiger modern game(this g6,Bg7,d6,a6,b5) I had a nice position opposite castled kings, mine was short his was long(sounds weird somehow). The first Time I played this position I always thought the attack doesn´t look right , there has to be a more powerfull one. So I analysed it and learned a new attacking pattern. Just to play against the same person another time but this time with the engineattackpattern and blew him from the board.

The improvement didn´t came from the person it came from the post mortem analysis done with an engine. Because it is internetchess.
There was no chat involved(Person) in the improvement. It was done via an engine.

I win or lose because of blunders. Sometimes with flagging, but mostly with blunders.
If you understand the flipcoin as total random or that a player thinks in a position he is doing the right move, but isn´t because of some tactical issues, is your thing.

Well to learn with an engine:
1. Play as white 1.h4 e5 and so on......
2. Play as Black 1.e4 h5 and so on......
3. Play as white and copy the moves from 2. 1.e4 e6 .....
4. Play as black and copy the moves from 3. 1.e4 e6 2.d4 ...
I am still at the h4/h5 stage it is more fun to play this way.

Oh and not to forget you are a liar because:

-You said you are here to play against other humans(why you don´t want to play against me?)

-Doing Training(173)/Opening(15)(no Humans involved) is for improvement.

I am here for improvement, I don´t care if I play against a human or an engine.

Good about Cheaters:

-cia agents have a meaning
-deflation of elo, so your hard earned elos are worth more.

Negative about Cheaters:

-to be called a Cheater or cheating.

I am serious about cheater improvement.
I am not so serious about the list.

there are 50 shades of grey and one cheater...

I dont believe in what you said. There is now way to prepare a whole game with an engine. You can fix some wrong ideas or tactical mistakes here and there but in a real game you have to play for your own...thats it.

What a human makes better is getting more and more strategical ideas and this I learned mainly from books and not from engines. They dont explain you anything.

To analyse a game and you own ideas afterwards with an engine is one thing but to play against it is another kind of the story. The engine will kick you off the chessboard in a short amount of moves. Its not the kind of motivation I need to improve my chess skills.

Why do you call me a liar?
You never asked me to play with you.
I solved some tactic but that has nothing to do with playing a game. Have I played any game against computers? Show me please!

By the way: I dont know why you frantically try to legalize cheating but you may have some certain reason I guess...

Best wishes

@ Nadastar

I hate it to explain a joke but I will do it for you:

you wrote something like this:

bla, I want to play against other humans blabla.

My Nickname is Humans, so it reads like this for me:

bla, I want to play against someone other than you blabla.

My (short)definition of a liar:

Saying to do something but doing something different.

Saying to do something:
You said you are here to play against other humans.

but doing something different:
solving tactics.

I said I am here for improvement:

So I can play against other humans and even engines.
I can do puzzles all day long.
I can also try other openings.
I can analyse my games via an engine.

I don´t think playing with an engine against another player does improve the engineplayer.

I also not trying to legalize cheating. Did I ever say legalize it?
I just showed some aspects and now have to deal with some random who thinks and believe in things but is not able to read.
Oh and arguing something is pointless isn´t realy a argument.

And now very important, don´t tell me what you think or believe I did, copy it and quote it pls.

I believe you are looking/looked up my games and try/tried to prove I am a cheater.
If so you are paranoid if not I apologize for insulting you.

Even if I think enginecheating have some pluses.

My handling with cheating would be, as long as I am absolutely sure he cheated:

-Lifetime ip ban for cheating on every chess side.
-putting the cheater(emailadress and so on) and his ip on a central "Blacklist", actualized by every chess server.

But this also applies to someone who insults someone to cheat without prove in chat or forum.

for e.g.:
bla,legalize cheating but you may have some certain reason I guess blabla
would be in my little world enough to give you a lifetime ban.

Let us stop this colorless debate in a "human" way. We both have different opinions that we will not change and thats ok.

I dont think you are cheating and I also havent looked at your games to figure this out.

Cheating is not legal but everybody should get a 2. chance so I am not thinking that "Blacklists" or "lifetime bans" are the right way to go. Even if it would be technically possible.

Best wishes
Seems to me there are more people who think they are being cheated than there are people who cheat. It never occurs to me. An interesting question is why are they thinking so much about it
#57 one cheater can cheat at several people.
And if you estimate cheaters and cheated people based on the quantity of complains in the forum, it's normal you don't see many cheaters.

If you dont play much tournaments and rarely against players above 2000 rating and also most of the time bulett/blitz you may have no real problem with cheating.

But if you play on a big higher level (lets say regularly opponents above 2000) and blitz/classical tournaments you probably will change your opinion soon.

In 25 classical games I was cheated in 5 games and a friend of mine was in 30 classical games cheated 6 times. And thats only the obvious cheaters who are already caught.

Cheating is a pest on lichess and it doesnt help to ignore this. I think we should look at our games and just make a quick report if the game is obviously strange. If I make some investigations about an obvious cheater I often found that people dont analyse their games against cheaters. So they dont realize that there was something strange going on...

Best wishes

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