
Search "user:dryguy"

42 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - LiChess Tools now has extra metrics on computer analysis#8

@TotalNoob69 I see now from your user profile that you are probably talking about an extension named Lichess Tools. Having not been aware of the extension, I though you were referring to the Tools men…

Lichess Feedback - LiChess Tools now has extra metrics on computer analysis#6

This sounds interesting. How do I access the new feature? If I go to the Tools menu I see "Analysis board", "Openings", etc. If I go to the Analysis board, I don't see any new charting tools. Is it no…

General Chess Discussion - Lichess Study not working?#2

It is broken for me too. I am also having problems with the "learn from your mistakes" feature. I've had a couple of games where the analysis shows I blundered, but then when I click "learn from your …

Lichess Feedback - board bigger than screen#1

Today when I started a game, I found I was unable to play because the board was much bigger than the screen, and I had to abort. In addition, my account was now in zen mode, which I had not enabled. I…

General Chess Discussion - large pgn files#10

@CheckersLover Nice find! I'll check that one out for sure.

General Chess Discussion - large pgn files#8

@CheckersLover Scid and ChessX both choke to death on files that large.

General Chess Discussion - large pgn files#7

@boilingFrog You can check out the tools I've written here:

General Chess Discussion - large pgn files#4

@CheckersLover I have ChessBase 11, but it doesn't seem to recognize any games in such a large file. Maybe a newer version could do it, but I don't wish to spend $$$. @LatinMagister My hobby is chess …

General Chess Discussion - large pgn files#1

What tools do people use to open the insanely large pgn files in the lichess open database? ( The most recent one is 27.6 GB! It has over 100,000,000 games. Is there softw…

General Chess Discussion - How does lichess calculate average centipawn loss?#9

@QEDemonstrandum I varied the caps. Somewhere around 1000 centipawns gives the closest agreement to lichess. Setting it much higher or lower increases the amount of scatter in my graph. Both the graph…
