
Search "user:tklajfeklf"

16 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Cost of Switching (Multitasking)#3

Ah really sorry! I thought no one was looking at it, and was planning to revamp the site as planned. The password has been removed. Would love to know what you think about the post!

Off-Topic Discussion - Cost of Switching (Multitasking)#1

Hey guys, I wrote a blog post about the (hidden) cost of switching between activities. Also applicable to chess if you're spending time to improve your gameplay. Would really really appreciate and lov…

Lichess Feedback - Correspondence Seek Bug#2


General Chess Discussion - Overcoming a losing streak#13

KEYPOINT: The streak (any result as of today/this moment/etc) is a lagging indicator of what you did in the past (in your game/games/etc). So if you lose multiple games, you've done something wrong. T…

General Chess Discussion - Is there any luck in a chess game?#26

I simplify the idea of luck to define it as: something impossible to control. You can't improve the odds of winning at coin flipping. But you can improve your odds of winning a game through practice. …

General Chess Discussion - Is there any luck in a chess game?#24

I would like to differentiate between luck and oversight. There can be good oversights where things work out, there will be bad oversights with a big "whoops!" If you missed something, or if the oppon…
