
Chesslogy chess pratice session

110 members

We are thrilled to announce our upcoming chess tournament that is designed for practice purposes. This tournament will provide a great opportunity for all the chess lovers out there to practice and improve their game skills in a competitive setting. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced player, this tournament is the perfect platform to enhance your game strategy and learn from other skilled players.

Our goal with this tournament is to create a fun and engaging environment where you can challenge yourself and interact with fellow chess enthusiasts. We believe that this tournament will help you build your confidence, increase your knowledge of the game, and ultimately take your game to the next level.

We encourage all players to participate and make the most out of this exciting opportunity. So, gather your chess boards and get ready to compete in a friendly yet competitive environment. The tournament will provide a platform for you to test your skills and strategies against other players, and you never know, you might just learn a new trick or two along the way.

We wish all the participants the best of luck and look forward to seeing some exciting games!


CHESS CHAMPION SHIP SUNDAY10+1 • Rapid • Rated5 rounds Swiss
Chesslogy chess pratice10+1 • Rapid • Rated5 rounds Swiss
chesslogy10+1 • Rapid • Rated5 rounds Swiss