
Do you respect people with lower ELo?

@Masquerade Correct, because I don't care about my rating. I care about quality chess (or for bullet/blitz, for interesting chess).
FM? Last time I checked that title was considered a Joke in Russia.
Where I live they only respect IMs and higher.
People at my local club usually laugh, throw bishops at me and call me LordPatzer.

The only good thing about it is that social pressure at my local club has made me improve.
I generally respect everyone when playing a chess game. Underestimating someone is the worst thing you can do when playing a chess game you want to win.
However I usually dont take <1600 opinions too seriously on forums where openings or chess games are being discussed.
That is just how chess works. You get bullied by a number.
If you were a teacher would you not respect your students?
En muchas ocasiones todos pecamos de confiados viendo el rating de otro jugador o no lo tomamos muy en serio. Esto es un gran error, muchas veces un rating no refleja completamente el nivel de cada jugador, por ejemplo un buen jugador puede encontrarse en un mal momento lo que le hace jugar a un nivel inferior del que se supone que representa su rating. Tambien puede pasar que alguien con un rating inferior no tenga un nivel regular por lo que en ocasiones puede jugar a un buen nivel y en otras cometer grandes errores.
There are two problems with wanting to get a title:
1- You must have a job
2- you must have a life
Modifying Bertolt Brecht: A strong player and a weak player met and looked at each other. Then the weak player said to the strong: “If I were not weak, you would not be strong."

Generally speaking I have a higher respect for off-line achievements; playing on the internet on a seemingly over-rated server for me has just training purposes.
PS: Some weaker player develop a strange view on chess rather due to their inexperience. Instead of listening to experienced players (e.g. showing respect!) they're trying to "teach" stronger players; that is something which annoys me, online and offline.

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