
if higher educated people know better and they run the world,why does the world suck so much?

@Mrchess78 said in #16:
> All the things you list above are happening, and if not right now, then very soon.
> The Freudian slip reference was in regard to when you mentioned 'revolution' suddenly in your first post, but incidentally, no offence was meant by it. :).
Perhaps soon- but people have been prophesying apocalypse for a long time so most are pretty numbed to the predictions.

I don't think we're truly in what I'd term a major crisis for most - things are pretty messed up and on a 'crash course' yes I'd grant that - but the majority are still quite comfortable. When 20%+ of the population can't afford to pay rent, can't afford food, is jobless... & there's real mass famine with inflation hitting a consistant 10%+.. or a war with millions of casualties.. then we'll be talking a real crisis. Until then it's mostly abstract even if the underlying problems are real and looming

My definition of a real crisis - look at things in China/USSR, etc in the early-mid 20th century ... nothing we're experiencing or have experienced in the west since the 1930s/40s comes anywhere remotely close to that level of upheaval in any way.
@salmon_rushdie said in #21:
> Perhaps soon- but people have been prophesying apocalypse for a long time so most are pretty numbed to the predictions.
> I don't think we're truly in what I'd term a major crisis for most - things are pretty messed up and on a 'crash course' yes I'd grant that - but the majority are still quite comfortable.
> My definition of a real crisis - look at things in China/USSR, etc in the early-mid 20th century ... nothing we're experiencing or have experienced in the west since the 1930s/40s comes anywhere remotely close to that level of upheaval in any way.

A new depression probably is on the way, I wouldn't be surprised at all, a crisis in the making right now, get ready folks. :).
Let us not overlook the fact that "higher education" is available to, and is received by, and is even provided via, a wide variety of individuals.

Some highly intelligent, very objective, cautious, quite kindly, relatively selfless persons enter into and emerge from, and even help to provide, "higher education."

Some intellectually uninspiring, reflexively fashionable, heedless, unempathetic, dependably selfish persons can also enter and emerge from, and even help to provide, "higher education."

"Higher education" is like a tool. Hammers can be used to build a cathedral or to kill; but mostly, they are used to build.

Admittedly, we seem to encounter relatively fewer skilled carpenters these days, and relatively more novices taking selfies in front of shoddy construction that they "quiet quit."
@Mrchess78 said in #22:
> A new depression probably is on the way, I wouldn't be surprised at all, a crisis in the making right now, get ready folks. :).
eh I graduated in 08 it's not like I've seen any economic wonders in my lifetime lmao all I've known is poverty
profit runs the world; regardless of morals. it walks over its dead.

the solution is simple: moral humane banking - don't keep your money on banks that deal with no scruples.
Just because someone is a lawyer doesn't mean they care about their clients, rather they know how to manage the system in their favor.
Just because someone is a politician doesn't mean they care about their civilians, rather they know how to manage the system in their favor.
Ofcourse it depends where you live but The world is at its best now than ever before for humans. Just look at how the world was every 100 years. Modern medicine, human rights, no more slavery, access to knowledge. It’s like the guy at my work who always complains about how bad it is not and how much better life was in the past. It’s kinda funny how much you put your own perspective on something. Life is clearly better now and is continuing to improve
Because it's the power and the money that govern the world; not the education.

We can see how far they can go to get or maintain their power and money.
@Oportunist said in #1:
> i think it is because getting a high education gives you alot of information but sadly most of these people dont know how to come to decent conclusions with the info,to save the world we must raise good hearted fair people ,not people who memorized lots of information,war is abaut the worst thing that happens in the world,it is a couple of old people who decide to make wars,
> it is the high educated people who back them up and uneducated who kill each called very high iq people make bombs and weapons ,how can you call the people who invented and created mass destruction weapons smart?they have created nothing but hell on earth,in conclusion we dont need tecnology and high education,we need to spread love,brotherhood,tolerance and create a peacefull world,the world has enuff food and recources for all of us,why not everyone share and be happy?

I totally feel you and you are right. But it is how they shaped this dystopian society, we are mere cash slaves and educated not an inch more then needed to do the job and on top led by outright nonsensical laws etc let alone the geo political issues etc. I know.
Main reason is Cash, and the ones that have the most as they say the 1% of the 1% that think that god gave them permission. It's how it is sadly, a global world order pivot is in the make and it will last another 6 or 8 years to be there. Will it be better?
About resources, this also > cash. why import from the other side of the globe and depend on it and play cowboy on all corners of that same globe just to saveguard the interest. It is not better described how it is and what the sollutions are like in the Zeitgheist documentaries.
edit: they outright call society a social pathology.

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