
Little revelatory moments in life

When you find out Santa Claus isn't real
But you still get presents
When you find out the Easter Bunny isn't real
But you still get candy

The first time you hear your voice on a tape recorder
"I don't sound that That..."

But yet you do
When you think you're faster than the image of yourself in the mirror, logically based on the lag time of speed of light, over the distance between you and the mirror,

But as you try to observe the quickness you have ( the 1 tempo first mover advantage) over the mirrors reflection of the data, it actually appears as though the mirror keeps up with your pace being just as fast as you are and you think how did I lose that tempo?!
When we have a photograph taken of ourselves, and experience the shocking realisation that those shades we wear don't make us look like Tom Cruise.

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