
Search "user:Hedgehogs4Me"

50 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Pieces for and lichess#2

Did you mean to link to your profile? The link you gave is for a style. I must admit though, you've published... a heck of a lot of styles, to put it lightly. Pretty impressive. Hav…

Game analysis - Endgame study to share#4

Ha, reading your description of the position, my mind tried to lump all the pieces together or something and I put the king on f6 instead of f3. I was looking at the position for an embarrassingly lon…

Game analysis - Smothered mate#2

It really does feel good. I've gotten one in before myself, and even though it was against a berserking player in the marathon who was playing a pretty terrible game in general, I still let out a manl…

General Chess Discussion - A perfect game in a chess game.#12

I'm, frankly, pretty overrated at 1710 blitz, but even I've had a couple good ones. The common theme with them is probably that my moves weren't exactly hard to find, they're all short, and my opponen…

General Chess Discussion - game play#2

Unfortunately, you really don't. You also don't really know even in bullet; it's not that hard to set up something that reads moves from the page source and feeds it into an engine (the hardest part w…

Lichess Feedback - Rename the Classical time control? #10

I can see both sides of this. On one hand, you're right, it's rapid. It just is. On the other hand, if we split the rapid and classical pools, they'll be even smaller and have less games played in the…

General Chess Discussion - Winter Marathon#6

When does it stop being a marathon, and start just being a running total of games over the past couple of days that happened to be auto-paired like a tournament? I'm intentionally being a little bit s…

General Chess Discussion - Summer Marathon 2016#4

@Rairden I entered with a 1624 rating. I temporarily was up to 1736 but now I'm at 1710. It's a pretty good tournament for playing higher-rated players if your insights page says you gain the most rat…

Game analysis - Game in the Albin Countergambit#4

After fxg1=N+ the position (while objectively being completely winning for black) isn't as trivial to win after 8. Ke1. Here are some pretty strong players flailing around in the position: https://en.…

Lichess Feedback - Editing Board in Study. #2

You could try downloading it as a PGN, editing the FEN position listed in the PGN file, deleting the chapter, and then creating a new chapter again by importing the PGN. Might be a little faster than …
