
Beginner: Opening I

301 • jomega •
  1. Introduction
  2. The Five Principles
  3. Rules-of-Thumb
  4. Move Selection Process
  1. jomega

Intermediate: Opening: Non Rote

25 • jomega •
  1. Introduction
  2. 1.e4 and Black attacks immediately
  3. Center Counter Example I
  4. Alekhine's Defense Example I
  1. jomega


200 • jomega •
  1. Introduction
  2. Fischer playing KIA at 14 years old
  3. Fischer at Sousse
  4. Mona Lisa
  1. jomega

Intermediate: Tactics Internalized: Trapped Piece

35 • jomega •
  1. Introduction
  2. Noah's Ark Foiled
  3. Another Bishop Trap
  4. It's Not What You Think
  1. jomega

Caro-Kann Study -- Part 1

67 • abu_bua •
  2.  History
  3.  Caro-Kann Lines - Overview 
  4.    Caro-Kann Defense
  1. abu_bua

Tiger's Modern

1 • ehenkes •
  1. kiotor11 - ehenkes
  2. The_Eagle_Himself - ehenkes
  3. StuMR - ehenkes
  4. denisok_msu - ehenkes
  1. e4e5f4exf4nicht
  2. WIM Tslapana
  3. ehenkes
  4. bvbherbert

Traxler opening!

20 • Ben2006Tor •
  1. What are the moves?
  2. 5.Nxf7?? by white
  3. 6.Ke2?? by white
  4. 6.Kxf2? by white
  1. Ben2006Tor

d4 g6 Torre attack

1 • astrof •
  1. d4 g6
  1. astrof

Yaz's Winning Chess Openings

6 • noob-loser •
  1. King Pawn Openings
  2. Ruy Lopez
  3. Queen Pawn Openings
  4. Queen's Gambit Declined
  1. noob-loser

Karpov - How to Play the English Opening

59 • shuvashish76 •
  1. Kasparov, Garry - Karpov, Anatoly
  2. Kasparov, Garry - Sadvakasov, Darmen
  3. Kasparov, Garry - Karpov, Anatoly
  4. Kasparov, Garry - Ivanchuk, Vassily
  1. shuvashish76

60 Bobby Fischer Games

2 • HappyBlink •
  1. Fischer - Sherwin [US] Too little, too late
  1. equeen
  2. HappyBlink


1 • econochess1984 •
  1. Gambito Blumenfeld - 1.d4, Cf6 2.c4, e6 3.Cf3, c5 4.d5, b5
  2. Gambito Blumenfeld - Piket x Topalov
  1. crivellari
  2. econochess1984

Atomic Openings and Theory

48 • EAChess10000 •
  1. Knights with white
  2. Van't Kruijs and King's Pawn Opening
  3. The Ages of Atomic
  4. Weird Checkmates and the Usefulness of the Queen
  1. EAChess10000
  2. JIChess10000

The Most Important Piece - Bishop Play

63 • GamePerFrame •
  1. Good N vs Bad B endgame #1
  2. Good N vs Bad B endgame #2
  3. BxN opening #1
  4. BxN opening #2
  1. GamePerFrame

KING'S GAMBIT Staunton Handbook chapter 4 🎓🔥

26 • Kramopolis •
  1. 1. King Knights Gambit game 1
  2. 1. King Knights Gambit Game 2
  3. 1. King Knights Gambit game 3
  4. 1. King Knights Gambit ex 1 der Laza, V. H. - Bledow, Dr.
  1. Kramopolis

Defesa Siciliana

2 • econochess1984 •
  1. Variante Najdorf - Minic vs Fischer (1970)
  2. Variante Najdorf - Kupper vs Thal (1959)
  3. Variante Najdorf - Zarnicki vs Sadler (1995)
  4. Variante Najdorf - Karpov vs Mecking (1971)
  1. crivellari
  2. econochess1984