
High rated players (especially titled) should post more often on these forums

Titled played are like 0.1% of the pool.

You will see x1000 times posts from untitled played! (Based on Demographic distribution only)
The reason Titled players do this, in my opinion is because it is said to be attractive to be unavailable.
I think mysterious_expert is probably right that it's a bit much to expect loads of experts to give up their time to answer all of our stupid questions that have probably been asked (and answered) dozens of times before anyway.

If we wanted to see better theory discussion in general, though, I wonder whether it'd help to separate "General Chess Discussion" into something like "Lichess Discussion" and "Chess Theory and Training" - you might have a bit more luck getting a thread going about king and rook endgame strategy or pawn breaks for black in closed Ruy Lopez structures or good books on tactics or whatever if it wasn't immediately buried in an avalanche of people plugging their teams, people plugging their tournaments, people accusing people of cheating, people complaining about being accused of cheating, people complaining about opponents expecting to be given takebacks, people complaining about opponents not giving takebacks, people complaining about opponents expecting rematches, people complaining about opponents not accepting rematches etc etc etc
Oof, I'm hearing a lot of derogatory things towards titled players :(.

I'm willing to help answer any questions anyone has about chess and I've been posting on these forums a lot more lately. I'm not the only one though as I've seen a lot of other titled players give their advice when asked.
@SavageAntarctican okay, fine, but what I really have a question is GMs, ever since I joined, no GM has typed a single note in a forum.
"High rated players (especially titled) should post more often on these forums"
Why should they?
They are busy playing chess, travelling, analysing...
They charge a fee for coaching.
Most questions asked here do not require any titled player to answer.

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