
Request: More Chess Variants

There will be people to try out machine gun chess? Kidding. Tell me a response for black that doesn't lose after 1. e4.

re: "Without the product available in human vs human online we do not know whether it will be popular."
While we cannot know for sure, educated predictions are as good of information as any, and you're also not making much effort dismissing them anyway.

Also, whether a variant will become popular isn't what you should consider about assessing its viability, but whether it'll reach out to its target audience (whether there will be enough players among the chess enthusiasts to like it) who are willing to commit to it. See the horde variant for example, which struggles to even keep strong horde players playing it. You'll get an idea by visiting the players page for the leaderboard listing. If any variant were to get less attention and commitment than that, I'd imagine it'd be scrapped in the end, much like how the rarely used swiss tournament system wouldn't remain.
@Unihedron ?? When I play machine gun chess I always start with 1.e3 I suppose..then threatens 2.Qf3 to kill a rook and bishop for free. Black can counter this by 1..e5 fir example.

I see..though is it a good idea to persuade people to play the Pathguy version as both sides first? Then let's see how many people are interested..
The machine gun chess AI on pathguy is poor but human vs human is not trivial.

The following is what I get from trying MGC: A queen in MGC is roughly the same as R+B although in many cases one or both rooks get killed early without ever getting a chance to move. Pawns are almost of negative value at the beginning of games since they block only friendly long-range pieces but never enemy ones! Later it becomes more useful. I'm not sure whether pawns that are not too advanced, the king, knights have any value if one enemy rook or queen exists while your five big pieces (QRRBB) are all gone since in MGC multiple pieces are removed at once.
I didn't read everything, but has anyone mentioned Basque Chess as an option?
I mean we can start a team for each unimplemented variant. Then let's play games in threads there. Each thread is a game, each post will consists of a move and the PGN at the end of a move. Then we can play these games manually. When a new variant team has enough players and the variant can be implemented then we can increase the priority of this variant in development.

Wild 5, pawns game, peasants' revolt and others can be played as "play from position".

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