
Forums are too god damn boring !!!

In federalist modern Germany, every little shit-state devices its own curriculum for the kids, so what I just stated there isn't uniform for the whole country at all!

He bemoans the introduction of agriculture, yearns for a hunter-and-gatherer-type of existence, without the evil social constraints of modern evil corporate world.

I personally stopped watching TV years ago, basically I agree with everything he said of popular culture. It's just all that other esoteric (obviously McKenna plays his audience very well, plus he's an excellent speaker), new-agey ramblings I can't wrap my head around and which quite frankly repel me. Because I know that acceptance of this kind of thinking will just lead to another form of superstition and "the few chosen ones lord over the many" kind of mentality.
Bill Hicks was the epitome of Cynicism (What George Carlin dubbed "the disappointed Idealist") and had a case of arrested development, but I would have enjoyed hanging out with him! His act was just as dramatic as it was comedic, though he had a natural mind for the comedic, which can be seen in spontaneously amusing thoughts he'd have during interviews or conversations.

I knew of McKenna independently of Bill, though. I'm aware of pretty much all of the hip intellectuals: Chemists, authors, speakers, comedians, et all.

'He bemoans the introduction of agriculture, yearns for a hunter-and-gatherer-type of existence, without the evil social constraints of modern evil corporate world. "

Ah yes. What he called the "Male-Dominator Ego" in his mind was a corruption of nature, which started with men realizing they could hit women (and other men) and later manifested itself in the Priests and the Traders. It continues to this day with the enormous power and influence of religion and corporations, indeed.

most of the stuff he says is just poetic giberish "plural consensus"
the negative connotation he puts into "open market", "thought crime" im not fooled by this smooth talker
And now, suddenly forums aren't that boring anymore. ;-)
And as such, I shall close this topic for being obsolete.

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