
Hypnosis. Is it real?

Personally, I don't think this particular episode is fake, even if it was, that's not to say it doesn't happen. If you watch to the end, the fleecer his self, says - it doesn't work very often. This is probably the most innocuous example I've seen. I don't think the cop was purpose was purpose bent on giving the fleecer a ticket, so when the perp came across as amiable, the cop's mind was briefly satisfied it was a 'job done'
I tend to agree with chunkymonkey.

The cop may have remembered the offense immediately after the guy drove away, but he already excused him and didn't want to look like a fool by pursuing him again.

Neuro-linguistic programming does work. I've seen otherwise reasonable men become unbelievably brainwashed by news propaganda from years of exposure to NLP.
Well, this example could be explained like cop was merciful. So it was possible to avoid the fine without using any NLP technics, but just by appealing to charity. May be in this way it's more easy to believe.
Effect of brainwashing in years can be really high. Just to mention Jonestown or another sects. But they change very deep world view of human.
I believe if the cop really wanted to fine the violator, no NLP technics would help.
I can't watch it! This is stupid!!!!!!! I live in the UK ffs! I can't watch content from the USA for the opposite reason......(grips Cameron by the throat and yells at him!)

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