
is chess racist?

when I say "white goes first", some people say "then is chess racist?".
I really want to know: Is chess really racist?
What do you guys think?
Well I didn't know this before I looked it up tbh ! , but apparently the color Black was viewed as lucky in the middle ages and so White was given the first move in Chess as compensation due to the 'color Blacks' apparent luck.
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Well, it occurs to me that in any game somebody has to go first. So unless both players are the same shade, one color is inevitably gonna get the advantage. And apparently checkers is also racist (since Black moves first).
@MrPushwood said in #5:
> Well, it occurs to me that in any game somebody has to go first. So unless both players are the same shade, one color is inevitably gonna get the advantage. And apparently checkers is also racist (since Black moves first).
Both are actually same shade, it's just our perception that makes different colours and judge accordingly.
Yes. We should instead play non racist, non class-based, non violent chess. 32 grey pawns all on the same side.
Why is the King more important than the Queen?

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@Passionate_Player said in #8:
> Black going first could be a variant idea or something.

It would be a pretty boring variant. Exactly the same as regular chess except the colors are switched.

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