
is chess racist?

I don't think it's racist, one color had to go first, you know. In checkers, black goes first
That's like saying that the SnowGrave Route in Deltarune is racist because the LIGHTners are freezing DARKners to death
@Chess-Cannon said in #32:
> That's like saying that the SnowGrave Route in Deltarune is racist because the LIGHTners are freezing DARKners to death

Or that Baba is You is racist for having a white main character (a fuzzy sheep-thing named Baba)
@AsDaGo said in #24:
> Well then, how do you define "shade" and "color"?
Colour is combination of elementary colours upto tertiary mixture.
Shade is changes in particular colour by addition of extra colours in certain amounts.
@Akbar2thegreat said in #34:
> Colour is combination of elementary colours upto tertiary mixture.
> Shade is changes in particular colour by addition of extra colours in certain amounts.

Then how are white and black chess pieces the same shade?
@AsDaGo said in #35:
> Then how are white and black chess pieces the same shade?
Upto the tertiary level of colours, we can't get either Blaxk or White with standard elementary colours.
But it's part of shade only: we can mix more colours in specific amounts to get White and Black.

#2 helped a lot and #11 was needed humor.

shout-out to #2 and 11!
And i did not think this topic would reach 4 pages at 37 posts
@Opachi said in #13:
> If Black would move first, it would still be 'racist', according to the same logic.
> In reality, Chess is the most inclusive sport there is; every age, every class, every race is invited to partake in it. It is suitable for humans of every shade and shape. It's the real sh_t!
oh i just realized that...
bruh *slaps head*
@AsDaGo said in #10:
> It would be a pretty boring variant. Exactly the same as regular chess except the colors are switched.
true if you are white you are black and if you are black you are white
that is the only change

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