
Search "user:carno"

19 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Why I can't enter the tournaments?#8

its unfair to penalise a player without telling him - and giving him the chance to explain himself - letting him find out that its been done from other players makes me think less of lichees- just as …

General Chess Discussion - why don't more players on lichees reply to a greeting before a game?#17

i don't think any chess player is 'an addict' Deal, only those for whom winning is more essential than chess He depends on another person like himself in order to do this but the game is just a means …

General Chess Discussion - I have autism - and chess i shard for me@#6

I don't know how to advise you about your chess but i can say how much I respect your courage and resourcefulness in meeting your challenge.

General Chess Discussion - Some cheating.#57

Seems to me there are more people who think they are being cheated than there are people who cheat. It never occurs to me. An interesting question is why are they thinking so much about it

General Chess Discussion - why don't more players on lichees reply to a greeting before a game?#2

Sorry lichees - spelled your name wrong

General Chess Discussion - why don't more players on lichees reply to a greeting before a game?#1

I often greet another player before a game and congratulate them afterif they win and always thank them for playing. I never get a reply. Whats the reason? And yet the the mind behind lichees has done…

Lichess Feedback - Cheating in rated games and balance.#2

How do u know an opponent is cheating? By losing? :)

Off-Topic Discussion - What are your favourite 3 tv shows#2

i was about to say that I don't believe in favourite shows - only in particular ones - i could mention any number of plays documentaries - individually produced and performed. But then I realised I do…
